Avicare Ready to Use 500ml

Avicare Ready to Use 500ml

Aviclens 500ml

Aviclens 500ml

Aviclens 100ml

100 % of 100
Aviclens is a liquid water cleanser used to improve and protect water sources for birds.
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Aviclens keeps drinking water clear by preventing build-up of green slime on water containers. Also stops fermentation in soaked seed.

Recommended for: Protects drinking water from germs and green slime, aids in crop and digestive health.

Can Be Used With: Aviclens is safe to use with any in water supplement.

Not suitable for mixing with parasite controls, antibiotics or probiotics.

Key features: Protects drinking water from harmful water-borne organisms. Stops the growth of green slime in drinking water containers. Reduces the work involved with cleaning water containers. Does not negatively affect normal gut flora.

Directions: Add 1mL of Aviclens to 2L of fresh water. Use as animal’s normal drinking water or as a seed soaking solution. Change drinking water after 1-2 days in warm weather and 3-4 days in cooler temperatures. Soak seeds for up to 24 hours.

More Information
sku 9317657001351
Tax Class Taxable Goods
Indications Water cleanser
Brand Vetafarm
Refrigeration Required No
Manufacturer Vetafarm
Poisons Schedule Unscheduled
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